2523 Top losers NSE top Losers for Today's session
These are Today's losers for NSE stock exchange, sorted by percentage lost.
5 top losers stocks found which lost 20% or more in Today's session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
Trans & Recti. Ltd TARIL | -52.5% | 402.80 | 847.95 |
Senco Gold Limited SENCO | -20% | 357.60 | 447.00 |
The Sandesh Limited SANDESH Trades in Publishing | -20% | 1122.55 | 1403.15 |
Macpower Cnc Machines Ltd MACPOWER Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -20% | 978.45 | 1223.05 |
Concord Enviro Systems L CEWATER | -20% | 522.35 | 652.90 |
32 top losers stocks found which lost 10% or more in Today's session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
Concord Biotech Limited CONCORDBIO | -19.86% | 1692.30 | 2111.70 |
We Win Limited WEWIN | -19.72% | 59.51 | 74.13 |
Anjani Portland Cem Ltd APCL | -17.2% | 120.46 | 145.48 |
Network People Srv Tech L NPST_SM | -17.1% | 1823.30 | 2199.35 |
Hp Adhesives Limited HPAL | -15.58% | 51.84 | 61.41 |
Deepak Nitrite Limited DEEPAKNTR Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -15.09% | 1900.50 | 2238.25 |
Prajay Engineers Syndicate Limited PRAENG Trades in Realty | -13.23% | 19.22 | 22.15 |
Igarashi Motors India Limited IGARASHI Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -13.23% | 532.55 | 613.75 |
Ortin Global Limited ORTINGLOBE | -12.85% | 13.36 | 15.33 |
Lincoln Pharma Ltd LINCOLN Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -12.38% | 562.00 | 641.40 |
Heranba Industries Ltd HERANBA | -12.19% | 276.00 | 314.30 |
GSS Infotech Limited GSS Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -12.02% | 52.05 | 59.16 |
Renaissance Global Ltd RGL | -11.91% | 130.38 | 148.01 |
Veto Switchgears And Cables Limited VETO | -11.83% | 102.67 | 116.44 |
Ashima Limited ASHIMASYN Trades in Textiles | -11.52% | 24.88 | 28.12 |
Mstc Limited MSTCLTD | -11.39% | 531.85 | 600.20 |
Diligent Media Corp Ltd. DNAMEDIA | -11.37% | 5.69 | 6.42 |
PVP Ventures Limited PVP Trades in Realty | -11.32% | 24.52 | 27.65 |
Airo Lam Limited AIROLAM | -11.17% | 101.92 | 114.74 |
Dishman Carbo Amcis Ltd DCAL | -11.07% | 203.03 | 228.31 |
Quadrant Future Tek Ltd QUADFUTURE | -11.06% | 507.75 | 570.90 |
Mitcon Con Rs.2.50 Ppd Up MITCONPP_E1 | -10.57% | 44.57 | 49.84 |
Kalpataru Project Int Ltd KPIL | -10.46% | 879.55 | 982.25 |
DCW Limited DCW Trades in Petrochemicals | -10.42% | 73.86 | 82.45 |
Anmol India Limited ANMOL | -10.18% | 17.92 | 19.95 |
Keynote Fin Serv Ltd. KEYFINSERV | -10.17% | 208.38 | 231.98 |
Jnk India Limited JNKINDIA | -10.15% | 406.25 | 452.15 |
Jyoti Cnc Automation Ltd JYOTICNC | -10.11% | 957.55 | 1065.20 |
Stylam Industries Limited STYLAMIND | -10.03% | 1615.25 | 1795.25 |
Stallion Ind Fluorochem L STALLION | -10.01% | 82.37 | 91.53 |
Grob Tea Co GROBTEA | -10% | 894.65 | 994.05 |
Anik Industries Limited ANIKINDS Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -10% | 94.54 | 105.05 |
562 top losers stocks found which lost 5% or more in Today's session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
S & S Power Swit SnSPOWER | -9.99% | 315.30 | 350.30 |
Shah Alloys Limited SHAHALLOYS Trades in Iron & Steel | -9.89% | 56.58 | 62.79 |
Orchid Pharma Limited ORCHPHARMA | -9.88% | 943.60 | 1047.05 |
Drc Systems India Limited DRCSYSTEMS | -9.81% | 21.88 | 24.26 |
Nandani Creation Limited JAIPURKURT | -9.74% | 45.94 | 50.90 |
Banco Products (I) Limited BANCOINDIA Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -9.74% | 319.70 | 354.20 |
Onelife Capital Advisors Limited ONELIFECAP Trades in Investment Companies | -9.69% | 12.68 | 14.04 |
Cyber Media (India) Limited CYBERMEDIA Trades in Publishing | -9.65% | 19.01 | 21.04 |
Super Spinning Mills Limited SUPERSPIN Trades in Textiles | -9.54% | 10.71 | 11.84 |
Natco Pharma Limited NATCOPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -9.42% | 883.20 | 975.05 |
Hindustan Construction Company Limited HCC Trades in Construction & Engineering | -9.4% | 25.74 | 28.41 |
Prolife Industries Ltd PROLIFE_SM | -9.25% | 243.20 | 268.00 |
Best Agrolife Limited BESTAGRO | -9.25% | 414.60 | 456.85 |
SPL Industries Limited SPLIL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -9.24% | 45.20 | 49.80 |
Bcl Industries Limited BCLIND | -9.18% | 37.38 | 41.16 |
Laurus Labs Limited LAURUSLABS | -9.12% | 546.20 | 601.00 |
Cheviot Company Limited CHEVIOT | -9.09% | 1070.85 | 1177.90 |
Nupur Recyclers Limited NRL | -9.03% | 79.18 | 87.04 |
The Invest Trust Of Ind L THEINVEST | -8.98% | 147.07 | 161.58 |
Swan Energy Limited SWANENERGY Trades in Realty | -8.98% | 439.20 | 482.55 |
AMD Industries Limited AMDIND Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -8.96% | 47.98 | 52.70 |
Shankara Bldg Product Ltd SHANKARA | -8.88% | 548.20 | 601.65 |
Jhs Svendgaard Retail V L RETAIL | -8.88% | 33.16 | 36.39 |
Azad Engineering Limited AZAD | -8.86% | 1296.55 | 1422.65 |
Standard Industries Limited SIL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -8.85% | 21.41 | 23.49 |
Vishnusurya Proj N Infr L VISHNUINFR_SM | -8.8% | 228.00 | 250.00 |
Balu Forge Industries Ltd BALUFORGE | -8.79% | 538.85 | 590.75 |
Laxmi Dental Limited LAXMIDENTL | -8.75% | 383.15 | 419.90 |
Ganges Securities Limited GANGESSECU | -8.74% | 150.42 | 164.82 |
Gensol Engineering Ltd GENSOL | -8.73% | 548.55 | 601.00 |
Dcx Systems Limited DCXINDIA | -8.7% | 260.65 | 285.50 |
Pitti Engineering Limited PITTIENG Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -8.63% | 946.20 | 1035.55 |
Ecos (india) Mob & Hosp L ECOSMOBLTY | -8.52% | 209.65 | 229.17 |
Saraswati Saree Depot Ltd SSDL | -8.46% | 102.76 | 112.26 |
Pricol Limited PRICOLLTD | -8.44% | 452.90 | 494.65 |
Zodiac Energy Limited ZODIAC | -8.44% | 474.50 | 518.25 |
Uniphos Enterprises Limited UNIENTER Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -8.43% | 144.48 | 157.78 |
Medicamen Biotech Limited MEDICAMEQ | -8.32% | 429.95 | 468.95 |
Xtglobal Infotech Limited XTGLOBAL | -8.21% | 34.90 | 38.02 |
Manappuram Finance Limited MANAPPURAM Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -8.2% | 178.15 | 194.06 |
Oswal Agro Mills OSWALAGRO Trades in Investment Companies | -8.18% | 64.24 | 69.96 |
Emmbi Industries Limited EMMBI Trades in Containers & Packaging | -8.18% | 107.68 | 117.27 |
BSL Limited BSL Trades in Textiles | -8.17% | 174.21 | 189.71 |
Rbz Jewellers Limited RBZJEWEL | -8.16% | 187.22 | 203.85 |
Supreme Holdin N Hosp I L SUPREME | -8.13% | 89.68 | 97.62 |
ADF Foods Limited ADFFOODS Trades in Packaged Foods | -8.12% | 230.75 | 251.15 |
Suyog Telematics Limited SUYOG | -8.08% | 1043.35 | 1135.10 |
Cords Cable Industries Limited CORDSCABLE Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -8.03% | 175.68 | 191.01 |
Lloyds Enterprises Ltd LLOYDSENT | -8.01% | 46.19 | 50.21 |
Tridhya Tech Limited TRIDHYA_SM | -7.94% | 29.00 | 31.50 |
Windlas Biotech Limited WINDLAS | -7.93% | 768.90 | 835.10 |
AVT Natural Products Limited AVTNPL Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -7.88% | 68.39 | 74.24 |
Centrum Capital Limited CENTRUM Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -7.85% | 27.23 | 29.55 |
Ramco Systems Limited RAMCOSYS Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -7.84% | 312.25 | 338.80 |
Omax Autos Limited OMAXAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -7.82% | 82.78 | 89.80 |
Piramal Pharma Limited PPLPHARMA | -7.81% | 184.90 | 200.56 |
One Mobikwik Systems Ltd MOBIKWIK | -7.81% | 326.85 | 354.55 |
Archidply Industries Limited ARCHIDPLY Trades in Forest Products | -7.8% | 90.99 | 98.69 |
Asian Energy Services Ltd ASIANENE | -7.79% | 243.15 | 263.70 |
Thirumalai Chemicals Limited TIRUMALCHM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.76% | 232.33 | 251.87 |
Marco Cable & Conductor L MARCO_SM | -7.76% | 45.20 | 49.00 |
Lloyds Engg Work Limited LLOYDSENGG | -7.76% | 65.25 | 70.74 |
NILA INFRASTRUCTUR INR1 NILAINFRA Trades in Realty | -7.75% | 10.23 | 11.09 |
Uma Exports Limited UMAEXPORTS | -7.72% | 92.13 | 99.84 |
Incredible Industries Ltd INCREDIBLE | -7.72% | 32.61 | 35.34 |
Saurashtra Cem. SAURASHCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -7.71% | 81.87 | 88.71 |
Xelpmoc Design & Tech Ltd XELPMOC | -7.68% | 111.31 | 120.57 |
PC Jeweller Limited PCJEWELLER Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -7.66% | 12.53 | 13.57 |
Dhani Services Limited DHANI | -7.66% | 61.88 | 67.01 |
India Tour. Dev. Co. Ltd. ITDC | -7.65% | 507.15 | 549.15 |
Wendt (India) Limited WENDT Trades in Industrial Machinery | -7.64% | 10803.50 | 11696.65 |
Campus Activewear Limited CAMPUS | -7.63% | 268.60 | 290.80 |
Platinum Industries Ltd PLATIND | -7.62% | 251.45 | 272.20 |
Chemcon Special Chem Ltd CHEMCON | -7.62% | 204.94 | 221.84 |
Creditaccess Grameen Ltd CREDITACC | -7.61% | 966.10 | 1045.65 |
Khaitan Chem & Fert Ltd KHAICHEM | -7.6% | 57.52 | 62.25 |
Veranda Learning Sol Ltd VERANDA | -7.56% | 206.73 | 223.63 |
Nectar Lifesciences Limited NECLIFE Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.56% | 30.09 | 32.55 |
Srg Housing Finance L SRGHFL | -7.55% | 302.40 | 327.10 |
Bulkcorp International L BULKCORP_SM | -7.55% | 64.90 | 70.20 |
Kfin Technologies Limited KFINTECH | -7.54% | 924.85 | 1000.25 |
MIRC Electronics Limited MIRCELECTR Trades in Consumer Electronics | -7.52% | 16.85 | 18.22 |
Rajshree Polypack Ltd RPPL | -7.51% | 28.59 | 30.91 |
Inspirisys Solutions Ltd INSPIRISYS | -7.49% | 82.02 | 88.66 |
Aptech Limited APTECHT Trades in IT Training Services | -7.47% | 126.77 | 137.00 |
Suryalakshmi Cotton Mills Limited SURYALAXMI Trades in Textiles | -7.44% | 67.54 | 72.97 |
Marksans Pharma Limited MARKSANS Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.44% | 230.69 | 249.24 |
Fiberweb India Limited FIBERWEB | -7.44% | 43.79 | 47.31 |
Deep Industries Limited DEEPINDS | -7.43% | 470.70 | 508.50 |
Ganesh Housing Corporation Limited GANESHHOUC Trades in Realty | -7.42% | 1268.05 | 1369.75 |
Stove Kraft Limited STOVEKRAFT | -7.4% | 702.35 | 758.50 |
Lux Industries Limited LUXIND | -7.4% | 1368.55 | 1477.85 |
Country Club Hospitality & Holidays Limited CCHHL Trades in Hotels | -7.4% | 16.14 | 17.43 |
Pavna Industries Limited PAVNAIND | -7.39% | 420.65 | 454.20 |
Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd. BHARATWIRE | -7.39% | 158.50 | 171.14 |
Neuland Laboratories Limited NEULANDLAB Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.37% | 11825.25 | 12766.65 |
Sahyadri Industries Ltd SAHYADRI | -7.35% | 241.45 | 260.60 |
Rajnandini Metal Limited RAJMET | -7.35% | 6.68 | 7.21 |
Ganesha Ecosphere Limited GANECOS Trades in Misc.Commercial Services | -7.35% | 1442.90 | 1557.35 |
Ugro Capital Limited UGROCAP | -7.34% | 161.00 | 173.75 |
Sutlej Textiles and Industries Limited SUTLEJTEX Trades in Textiles | -7.34% | 42.77 | 46.16 |
Williamson Magor & Company Limited WILLAMAGOR Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -7.33% | 29.32 | 31.64 |
Sharda Cropchem Limited SHARDACROP Trades in Agrochemicals | -7.25% | 535.60 | 577.45 |
Prime Securities Limited PRIMESECU Trades in Other Financial Services | -7.24% | 201.15 | 216.85 |
Kalyan Jewellers Ind Ltd KALYANKJIL | -7.23% | 488.40 | 526.45 |
Venus Pipes & Tubes Ltd VENUSPIPES | -7.2% | 1271.30 | 1369.90 |
Sangam (India) Limited SANGAMIND Trades in Textiles | -7.2% | 344.10 | 370.80 |
Maxposure Limited MAXPOSURE_SM | -7.18% | 65.90 | 71.00 |
Mindteck (India) MINDTECK Trades in IT Software Products | -7.12% | 202.85 | 218.40 |
Mangalam Alloys Limited MAL_SM | -7.12% | 30.00 | 32.30 |
Urban Enviro Waste Mgmt L URBAN_SM | -7.1% | 218.00 | 234.65 |
Sequent Scientific Ltd. SEQUENT Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.1% | 146.52 | 157.71 |
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited KANORICHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.1% | 91.58 | 98.58 |
Jyoti Structures Limited JYOTISTRUC Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -7.1% | 19.24 | 20.71 |
Peninsula Land Limited PENINLAND Trades in Realty | -7.07% | 28.91 | 31.11 |
Anlon Technology Sol Ltd ANLON_SM | -7.06% | 275.00 | 295.90 |
Lakshya Powertech Limited LAKSHYA_SM | -7.05% | 205.10 | 220.65 |
Anant Raj Limited ANANTRAJ Trades in Realty | -7.05% | 555.45 | 597.60 |
Salzer Electronics Ltd. SALZERELEC Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -7.03% | 888.75 | 956.00 |
KAMDHENU LIMITED KAMDHENU Trades in Iron & Steel | -7.03% | 35.32 | 37.99 |
Welspun Corp Limited WELCORP Trades in Construction & Engineering | -7.03% | 737.50 | 793.25 |
BIGBLOC Const. BIGBLOC | -7.01% | 65.58 | 70.52 |
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited GENUSPOWER Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -6.98% | 267.85 | 287.95 |
A B Infrabuild Limited ABINFRA | -6.97% | 85.28 | 91.67 |
Rico Auto Industries Limited RICOAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -6.96% | 68.86 | 74.01 |
Akash Infra-projects Ltd. AKASH | -6.96% | 27.14 | 29.17 |
Sanghvi Movers Limited SANGHVIMOV Trades in Transport Related Services | -6.94% | 247.45 | 265.90 |
Coral India Fin. CORALFINAC Trades in Housing Finance | -6.94% | 41.72 | 44.83 |
Zen Technologies Limited ZENTEC Trades in IT Software Products | -6.94% | 1350.00 | 1450.75 |
Lancor Holdings Limited LANCORHOL | -6.93% | 25.38 | 27.27 |
Global Surfaces Limited GSLSU | -6.93% | 117.06 | 125.77 |
Kiri Industries Limited KIRIINDUS Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -6.91% | 538.30 | 578.25 |
VA Tech Wabag Limited WABAG Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. | -6.9% | 1385.25 | 1487.85 |
NAVKAR CORPORATION INR10 NAVKARCORP | -6.89% | 108.45 | 116.48 |
Graphite India Limited GRAPHITE Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -6.89% | 409.30 | 439.60 |
Cl Educate Limited CLEDUCATE | -6.89% | 90.99 | 97.72 |
Occl Limited OCCLLTD | -6.84% | 76.18 | 81.77 |
Kody Technolab Limited KODYTECH_SM | -6.84% | 1117.35 | 1199.45 |
Ajooni Biotech Limited AJOONI | -6.84% | 6.54 | 7.02 |
Capacite Infraproject Ltd CAPACITE | -6.82% | 337.65 | 362.35 |
Fusion Micro Finance Ltd FUSION | -6.81% | 157.17 | 168.65 |
Remsons Industries Limited REMSONSIND Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -6.8% | 108.74 | 116.68 |
Banka Bioloo Limited BANKA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -6.8% | 78.23 | 83.94 |
Swiggy Limited SWIGGY | -6.77% | 340.75 | 365.50 |
Sat Kartar Shopping Ltd SATKARTAR_SM | -6.77% | 190.00 | 203.80 |
IFCI Limited IFCI Trades in Financial Institutions | -6.75% | 44.60 | 47.83 |
Bombay Dyeing & Mfg Company Limited BOMDYEING Trades in Textiles | -6.75% | 137.82 | 147.80 |
Baazar Style Retail Ltd STYLEBAAZA | -6.73% | 189.80 | 203.50 |
Ritco Logistics Limited RITCO | -6.73% | 296.75 | 318.15 |
Omaxe Limited OMAXE Trades in Realty | -6.73% | 80.97 | 86.81 |
Himatsingka Seide Limited HIMATSEIDE Trades in Textiles | -6.73% | 128.24 | 137.50 |
Lokesh Machines Limited LOKESHMACH Trades in Industrial Machinery | -6.72% | 226.30 | 242.60 |
Laxmi Cotspin Limited LAXMICOT | -6.72% | 25.55 | 27.39 |
Astec LifeSciences Limited ASTEC Trades in Agrochemicals | -6.72% | 846.50 | 907.50 |
Zuari Industries Limited ZUARIIND | -6.72% | 250.45 | 268.50 |
Shiva Texyarn Limited SHIVATEX | -6.71% | 204.06 | 218.73 |
Elgi Equipments Limited ELGIEQUIP Trades in Industrial Machinery | -6.71% | 491.05 | 526.35 |
Creative Graphics S Ind L CGRAPHICS_SM | -6.7% | 162.80 | 174.50 |
Maral Overseas Limited MARALOVER Trades in Textiles | -6.68% | 65.13 | 69.79 |
Kiocl Limited KIOCL | -6.67% | 261.05 | 279.70 |
Gokaldas Exports Limited GOKEX Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -6.67% | 918.90 | 984.55 |
Ashoka Metcast Limited ASHOKAMET | -6.67% | 19.44 | 20.83 |
Suven Life Sciences Limited SUVEN Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.66% | 116.09 | 124.37 |
Aeroflex Industries Ltd AEROFLEX | -6.66% | 200.73 | 215.05 |
Patel Engineering Limited PATELENG Trades in Construction & Engineering | -6.64% | 44.56 | 47.73 |
Dev Info Technology Ltd DEVIT | -6.64% | 123.50 | 132.28 |
Sanathan Textiles Limited SANATHAN | -6.63% | 321.70 | 344.55 |
Ester Industries Limited ESTER Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -6.63% | 144.66 | 154.94 |
Donear Industries Limited DONEAR Trades in Textiles | -6.62% | 107.29 | 114.90 |
Gravita India Limited GRAVITA Trades in Other Non-Ferrous Metals | -6.6% | 1652.00 | 1768.65 |
Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited BEPL Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -6.6% | 106.68 | 114.22 |
Afford Robo & Auto Ltd AFFORDABLE | -6.6% | 462.50 | 495.20 |
Vardhman Holdings Limited VHL Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -6.58% | 3289.05 | 3520.75 |
Hb Stockholdings Limited HBSL | -6.58% | 83.80 | 89.70 |
Greaves Cotton Limited GREAVESCOT Trades in Industrial Machinery | -6.58% | 262.05 | 280.50 |
Rama Phosphates Limited RAMAPHO | -6.57% | 96.55 | 103.34 |
TECIL Chemical TECILCHEM | -6.55% | 22.12 | 23.67 |
Subex Ltd SUBEXLTD | -6.55% | 15.26 | 16.33 |
OnMobile Global Limited ONMOBILE Trades in Other Telecom Services | -6.55% | 51.50 | 55.11 |
Gala Precision Eng Ltd GALAPREC | -6.55% | 941.40 | 1007.40 |
Emcure Pharmaceuticals L EMCURE | -6.55% | 994.70 | 1064.45 |
Summit Securities Limited SUMMITSEC Trades in Investment Companies | -6.54% | 1657.05 | 1773.05 |
Hi-Tech Pipes HITECH | -6.53% | 108.32 | 115.89 |
JSW Energy Limited JSWENERGY Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.53% | 437.10 | 467.65 |
MMTC Limited MMTC Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -6.52% | 57.64 | 61.66 |
Centum Electronics Limited CENTUM Trades in Misc.Commercial Services | -6.51% | 1554.95 | 1663.30 |
Tatva Chin Pharm Chem Ltd TATVA | -6.5% | 695.25 | 743.55 |
Ngl Fine Chem Limited NGLFINE | -6.49% | 1099.45 | 1175.80 |
WELSPUN ENTERPRISE INR10 WELENT Trades in Construction & Engineering | -6.49% | 494.65 | 529.00 |
Ginni Filaments Limited GINNIFILA | -6.48% | 24.41 | 26.10 |
Trom Industries Limited TROM_SM | -6.47% | 177.70 | 190.00 |
Master Trust Limited MASTERTR | -6.47% | 118.30 | 126.48 |
Dollar Industries Limited DOLLAR | -6.46% | 404.55 | 432.50 |
Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited TNPL Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -6.45% | 145.37 | 155.40 |
Man Industries (India) Limited MANINDS Trades in Construction & Engineering | -6.45% | 255.80 | 273.45 |
Sel Manufacturing Co Ltd SELMC | -6.44% | 31.98 | 34.18 |
Repco Home Finance Limited REPCOHOME Trades in Housing Finance | -6.44% | 335.70 | 358.80 |
Uniinfotelecomserviltd UNIINFO Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -6.43% | 27.65 | 29.55 |
JHS SVENDGAARD LAB INR10 JHS | -6.43% | 16.73 | 17.88 |
Neogen Chemicals Limited NEOGEN | -6.42% | 1815.65 | 1940.25 |
Indowind Energy Limited INDOWIND Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.42% | 18.21 | 19.46 |
Finolex Cables Limited FINCABLES Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -6.42% | 934.45 | 998.55 |
Spectrum Talent Mgmt Ltd SPECTSTM_SM | -6.39% | 147.85 | 157.95 |
Pokarna POKARNA Trades in Construction Materials | -6.39% | 1110.45 | 1186.20 |
Indian Terrain Fashions Limited INDTERRAIN Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -6.38% | 40.06 | 42.79 |
Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited FACT | -6.38% | 754.50 | 805.95 |
Aspinwall & Co ASPINWALL | -6.37% | 289.65 | 309.35 |
FCS Software Solutions Limited FCSSOFT Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -6.36% | 2.65 | 2.83 |
Ashoka Buildcon Limited ASHOKA Trades in Roads & Highways | -6.36% | 207.55 | 221.65 |
Surya Roshni Limited SURYAROSNI Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -6.35% | 225.75 | 241.05 |
RattanIndia Power Limited RTNPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.35% | 9.59 | 10.24 |
Themis Medicare Limited THEMISMED Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.34% | 188.52 | 201.29 |
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited GAEL Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -6.33% | 106.20 | 113.38 |
Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Limited BAJAJHIND Trades in Sugar | -6.33% | 22.05 | 23.54 |
Arman Financial ARMANFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -6.33% | 1330.05 | 1420.00 |
Sportking India Limited SPORTKING | -6.32% | 77.48 | 82.71 |
Celebrity Fashions Limited CELEBRITY Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -6.32% | 12.15 | 12.97 |
PG Electroplast Limited PGEL Trades in Consumer Electronics | -6.29% | 759.90 | 810.90 |
Modison Limited MODISONLTD | -6.29% | 138.03 | 147.29 |
Inox Green Energy Ser Ltd INOXGREEN | -6.29% | 124.77 | 133.15 |
Indo Count Industries Limited ICIL Trades in Textiles | -6.28% | 321.80 | 343.35 |
Jtl Industries Limited JTLIND | -6.26% | 86.92 | 92.72 |
Greenpanel Industries Ltd GREENPANEL | -6.26% | 320.70 | 342.10 |
TRF Limited TRF Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -6.25% | 325.75 | 347.45 |
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited GLENMARK Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.25% | 1323.05 | 1411.20 |
Sterlite Technologies Ltd STLTECH | -6.23% | 96.30 | 102.70 |
Mastek Limited MASTEK Trades in IT Software Products | -6.23% | 2443.10 | 2605.55 |
Enviro Infra Engineers L EIEL | -6.23% | 228.80 | 244.00 |
Hitech Corporation Ltd HITECHCORP | -6.22% | 185.57 | 197.88 |
Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited GIPCL Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.22% | 163.27 | 174.10 |
Reliance Infrastructure Limited RELINFRA Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.21% | 250.15 | 266.70 |
Birla Cable BIRLACABLE Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -6.21% | 154.63 | 164.86 |
Music Broadcast Limited RADIOCITY | -6.18% | 10.17 | 10.84 |
Sakthi Sugars Limited SAKHTISUG Trades in Sugar | -6.16% | 22.38 | 23.85 |
Global Education Limited GLOBAL | -6.16% | 51.76 | 55.16 |
Nippon L I A M Ltd NAM-INDIA | -6.15% | 517.20 | 551.10 |
Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited DEEPAKFERT Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -6.15% | 1002.45 | 1068.10 |
Netweb Tech India Ltd NETWEB | -6.14% | 1409.10 | 1501.35 |
Cantabil Retail India Limited CANTABIL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -6.14% | 266.95 | 284.40 |
Brooks Laboratories Limited BROOKS Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.13% | 134.40 | 143.17 |
Arihant Superstruct Ltd ARIHANTSUP | -6.13% | 410.05 | 436.85 |
Saregama India Limited SAREGAMA Trades in Movies & Entertainment | -6.12% | 486.75 | 518.50 |
TGB BANQUETS AND HOTELS LIMITED TGBHOTELS Trades in Hotels | -6.11% | 12.14 | 12.93 |
S H KELKAR AND COM INR10 SHK | -6.11% | 177.04 | 188.57 |
BEML Limited BEML Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -6.1% | 2759.85 | 2939.25 |
Allied Blend N Distils L ABDL | -6.1% | 327.05 | 348.30 |
Unicommerce Esolutions L UNIECOM | -6.09% | 118.26 | 125.93 |
Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited HFCL Trades in Telecom Cables | -6.07% | 85.70 | 91.24 |
Kakatiya Cement Sugar & Industries Limited KAKATCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -6.05% | 148.57 | 158.14 |
Vascon Engineers Limited VASCONEQ Trades in Realty | -6.03% | 38.77 | 41.26 |
Rain Industries Limited RAIN Trades in Petrochemicals | -6.03% | 124.32 | 132.30 |
Malu Paper Mills Limited MALUPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -6.03% | 37.43 | 39.83 |
Imagicaaworld Ent Ltd IMAGICAA | -6.03% | 67.48 | 71.81 |
GE Power GEPIL Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -6.03% | 236.10 | 251.25 |
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited JISLDVREQS | -6.01% | 30.63 | 32.59 |
Archean Chemical Ind Ltd ACI | -6.01% | 424.60 | 451.75 |
Winsol Engineers Limited WINSOL_SM | -6.01% | 209.60 | 223.00 |
Gujarat Apollo Industries Limited GUJAPOLLO Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -6% | 320.60 | 341.05 |
B. L. Kashyap and Sons Limited BLKASHYAP Trades in Realty | -5.98% | 53.29 | 56.68 |
Autoline Industries Limited AUTOIND Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.98% | 80.67 | 85.80 |
BF Investment Limited BFINVEST Trades in Investment Companies | -5.97% | 465.35 | 494.90 |
The State Trading Corporation of India Limited STCINDIA Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -5.96% | 123.13 | 130.93 |
Orient Paper & Industries Limited ORIENTPPR Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -5.96% | 26.02 | 27.67 |
Arkade Developers Limited ARKADE | -5.96% | 142.32 | 151.34 |
Albert David ALBERTDAVD Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.96% | 851.50 | 905.45 |
Repro India Limited REPRO Trades in Comm.Printing | -5.95% | 466.10 | 495.60 |
Asahi Songwon Colors Limited ASAHISONG Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -5.95% | 268.80 | 285.80 |
Morepen Laboratories Limited MOREPENLAB Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.94% | 51.81 | 55.08 |
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd KRONOX | -5.94% | 156.41 | 166.29 |
Epigral Limited EPIGRAL | -5.94% | 1750.60 | 1861.10 |
GPT Infraproject GPTINFRA Trades in Construction & Engineering | -5.93% | 102.78 | 109.26 |
Xpro India Limited XPROINDIA | -5.93% | 1147.65 | 1220.05 |
GTL Limited GTL Trades in Other Telecom Services | -5.92% | 9.38 | 9.97 |
Sukhjit Starch & Chem Ltd SUKHJITS | -5.91% | 207.83 | 220.88 |
Apex Ecotech Limited APEXECO_SM | -5.89% | 124.60 | 132.40 |
Kokuyo Camlin Limited KOKUYOCMLN Trades in Non-Durable Household Prod. | -5.87% | 102.33 | 108.71 |
Vaswani Industries Limited VASWANI Trades in Iron & Steel | -5.86% | 41.47 | 44.05 |
Meghmani Organics Limited MOL | -5.86% | 71.61 | 76.07 |
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd MIDHANI Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.86% | 268.40 | 285.10 |
Micropro Software Sol L MICROPRO_SM | -5.86% | 27.30 | 29.00 |
Krsnaa Diagnostics Ltd KRSNAA | -5.86% | 741.95 | 788.15 |
Gokul Agro Resources Ltd GOKULAGRO | -5.86% | 281.95 | 299.50 |
Krishna Def And Ald Ind L KRISHNADEF_SM | -5.85% | 624.85 | 663.65 |
Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Limited ASAL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.85% | 467.95 | 497.00 |
Ami Organics Limited AMIORG | -5.85% | 2164.20 | 2298.75 |
Aimtron Electronics Ltd AIMTRON_SM | -5.82% | 442.70 | 470.05 |
Welspun Investments and Commercials Limited WELINV Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.82% | 753.60 | 800.15 |
Vip Clothing Limited VIPCLOTHNG | -5.81% | 36.48 | 38.73 |
Cybertech Systems And Software Limited CYBERTECH Trades in IT Software Products | -5.81% | 171.85 | 182.46 |
Atam Valves Limited ATAM | -5.81% | 103.04 | 109.40 |
RPG Life Sciences Limited RPGLIFE Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.8% | 2241.50 | 2379.40 |
Prudent Corp Adv Ser Ltd PRUDENT | -5.8% | 2015.05 | 2139.10 |
Himadri Specialt HSCL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.8% | 413.70 | 439.15 |
Reliance Power Limited RPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -5.79% | 37.27 | 39.56 |
GM Breweries Limited GMBREW Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -5.78% | 667.90 | 708.90 |
Avanti Feeds Limited AVANTIFEED Trades in Other Food Products | -5.78% | 659.00 | 699.45 |
Asian Granito India Limited ASIANTILES Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -5.78% | 51.03 | 54.16 |
Tvs Supply Chain Sol L TVSSCS | -5.77% | 131.73 | 139.80 |
Shree Renuka Sugars Limited RENUKA Trades in Sugar | -5.77% | 30.04 | 31.88 |
Tejas Networks Limited TEJASNET | -5.76% | 780.20 | 827.85 |
RSWM Limited RSWM Trades in Textiles | -5.74% | 144.03 | 152.80 |
SHREE PUSHKAR CHEM INR10 SHREEPUSHK | -5.73% | 307.80 | 326.50 |
Apollo Micro Systems Ltd APOLLO | -5.73% | 113.78 | 120.69 |
Irm Energy Limited IRMENERGY | -5.72% | 287.60 | 305.05 |
Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited KIRLOSENG Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.71% | 674.95 | 715.80 |
Vineet Laboratories Ltd VINEETLAB | -5.7% | 42.21 | 44.76 |
Kolte - Patil Developers Limited KOLTEPATIL Trades in Realty | -5.7% | 274.40 | 291.00 |
Kellton Tech Sol Ltd KELLTONTEC Trades in IT Software Products | -5.7% | 126.67 | 134.32 |
Juniper Hotels Limited JUNIPER | -5.7% | 234.00 | 248.15 |
Orient Ceratech Limited ORIENTCER | -5.69% | 40.45 | 42.89 |
Jayshree Tea & Industries Limited JAYSREETEA Trades in Tea & Coffee | -5.69% | 96.89 | 102.74 |
Dredging Corporation of India Limited DREDGECORP Trades in Shipping | -5.69% | 606.65 | 643.25 |
Rattanindia Ent Limited RTNINDIA | -5.68% | 45.86 | 48.62 |
Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited INDIANHUME Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -5.68% | 290.00 | 307.45 |
Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited INDBANK Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.68% | 34.21 | 36.27 |
D-Link (India) Limited DLINKINDIA Trades in IT Networking Equipment | -5.68% | 420.00 | 445.30 |
Salasar Techno Engg. Ltd. SALASAR | -5.67% | 10.31 | 10.93 |
Kabra Jewels Limited KKJEWELS_SM | -5.67% | 168.85 | 179.00 |
HOV Services Limited HOVS Trades in BPO | -5.67% | 58.43 | 61.94 |
Cupid CUPID Trades in Personal Products | -5.67% | 69.16 | 73.32 |
Csl Finance Limited CSLFINANCE | -5.66% | 259.15 | 274.70 |
Ravindra Energy Limited RELTD | -5.64% | 114.32 | 121.15 |
Datamatics Global Services Limited DATAMATICS Trades in IT Software Products | -5.64% | 615.70 | 652.50 |
JBM Auto Limited JBMA Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.63% | 594.80 | 630.30 |
Ircon International Ltd IRCON | -5.63% | 157.92 | 167.34 |
Archies Limited ARCHIES Trades in Gift Articles-Toys & Cards | -5.63% | 20.30 | 21.51 |
Shivam Autotech Limited SHIVAMAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.62% | 35.41 | 37.52 |
Apar Industries Limited APARINDS Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -5.62% | 6367.35 | 6746.40 |
Lloyds Luxuries Limited LLOYDS_SM | -5.61% | 76.50 | 81.05 |
Greenply Industries Limited GREENPLY Trades in Forest Products | -5.61% | 272.45 | 288.65 |
NIIT Limited NIITLTD Trades in IT Training Services | -5.59% | 124.72 | 132.11 |
Nibe Limited NIBE | -5.59% | 1209.40 | 1280.95 |
Beardsell Limited BEARDSELL | -5.59% | 32.60 | 34.53 |
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited SCHNEIDER Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -5.58% | 627.45 | 664.50 |
Fineotex Chemical Limited FCL Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -5.57% | 265.15 | 280.80 |
Sarveshwar Foods Limited SARVESHWAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.56% | 7.14 | 7.56 |
Ptc Industries Limited PTCIL | -5.56% | 13083.35 | 13854.20 |
Ortel Communications Ltd ORTEL_BZ | -5.56% | 1.53 | 1.62 |
Revathi Equipment India L RVTH | -5.54% | 1721.15 | 1822.00 |
MUTHOOT CAPITAL SE INR10 MUTHOOTCAP Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -5.54% | 266.75 | 282.40 |
Country Condo's Limited COUNCODOS Trades in Realty | -5.53% | 6.15 | 6.51 |
Modi Rubber MODIRUBBER Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -5.52% | 97.79 | 103.50 |
Kaushalya Logistics Ltd KLL_SM | -5.52% | 88.10 | 93.25 |
Delhivery Limited DELHIVERY | -5.52% | 266.25 | 281.80 |
Thaai Casting Limited TCL_SM | -5.51% | 108.90 | 115.25 |
Samhi Hotels Limited SAMHI | -5.51% | 150.70 | 159.49 |
Nagarjuna Fert. NAGAFERT | -5.51% | 7.37 | 7.80 |
Bharat Dynamics Limited BDL | -5.5% | 1102.55 | 1166.70 |
Vasa Denticity Limited DENTALKART_SM | -5.49% | 569.60 | 602.70 |
Shipping Corporation Of India Limited SCI Trades in Shipping | -5.48% | 154.22 | 163.16 |
Sri Havisha Hosp & Infr L HAVISHA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.48% | 2.07 | 2.19 |
Balaji Amines Limited BALAMINES Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.48% | 1433.15 | 1516.20 |
Pritika Auto Indus Ltd PRITIKAUTO | -5.47% | 18.85 | 19.94 |
Dynacons Systems & Solutions Limited DSSL Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -5.47% | 1081.35 | 1143.90 |
Dcm Nouvelle Limited DCMNVL | -5.47% | 161.58 | 170.93 |
S D Retail Limited SDREAMS_SM | -5.43% | 130.50 | 138.00 |
Arvind Fashions Limited ARVINDFASN | -5.43% | 398.45 | 421.35 |
Motisons Jewellers Ltd MOTISONS | -5.42% | 20.58 | 21.76 |
Jtekt India Limited JTEKTINDIA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.42% | 130.91 | 138.41 |
Granules India Limited GRANULES Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.42% | 512.85 | 542.25 |
Jindal Drilling And Industries Limited JINDRILL Trades in Exploration & Production | -5.41% | 835.25 | 883.05 |
Gabriel India Limited GABRIEL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.41% | 471.80 | 498.80 |
Syrma Sgs Technology Ltd SYRMA | -5.4% | 441.55 | 466.75 |
Harrisons Malayalam Limited HARRMALAYA Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -5.4% | 210.24 | 222.25 |
Shri Techtex Limited SHRITECH_SM | -5.39% | 65.80 | 69.55 |
Plaza Wires Limited PLAZACABLE | -5.39% | 62.64 | 66.21 |
BPL Limited BPL Trades in Consumer Electronics | -5.39% | 80.52 | 85.11 |
Paramount Speciali Forg L PSFL_SM | -5.38% | 61.50 | 65.00 |
Ashiana Housing Limited ASHIANA Trades in Realty | -5.38% | 295.30 | 312.10 |
Responsive Industries Limited RESPONIND Trades in Plastic Products | -5.37% | 205.30 | 216.96 |
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited MTNL Trades in Telecom Services | -5.37% | 46.84 | 49.50 |
IFB Agro Industries Limited IFBAGRO Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -5.37% | 493.50 | 521.50 |
Hilton Metal Forging Limited HILTON Trades in Other Industrial Products | -5.37% | 76.01 | 80.32 |
Wol 3d India Limited WOL3D_SM | -5.37% | 118.15 | 124.85 |
Ratnaveer Precision Eng L RATNAVEER | -5.36% | 143.27 | 151.38 |
Titagarh Rail Systems Ltd TITAGARH | -5.35% | 804.65 | 850.15 |
Coromandel International Limited COROMANDEL Trades in Fertilizers | -5.35% | 1752.20 | 1851.25 |
Oriental Hotels Limited ORIENTHOT Trades in Hotels | -5.34% | 134.47 | 142.05 |
KNR Constructions Limited KNRCON Trades in Construction & Engineering | -5.34% | 246.60 | 260.50 |
Transindia Real Estate L TREL | -5.33% | 29.12 | 30.76 |
Standard Glass Lin Tech L SGLTL | -5.33% | 143.41 | 151.48 |
Krn Heat Exchange N Ref L KRN | -5.33% | 840.45 | 887.80 |
Yuken India Limited YUKEN | -5.33% | 765.30 | 808.35 |
Jindal Saw Limited JINDALSAW Trades in Construction & Engineering | -5.32% | 232.45 | 245.50 |
Railtel Corp Of Ind Ltd RAILTEL | -5.31% | 306.05 | 323.20 |
North East Carry Corp Ltd NECCLTD Trades in Transportation - Logistics | -5.31% | 24.97 | 26.37 |
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.31% | 3415.35 | 3607.05 |
Amber Enterprises (i) Ltd AMBER | -5.31% | 5817.30 | 6143.70 |
Allied Digital Services Limited ADSL Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -5.31% | 228.42 | 241.23 |
Synoptics Technologies L SYNOPTICS_SM | -5.3% | 110.75 | 116.95 |
Ola Electric Mobility Ltd OLAELEC | -5.3% | 60.87 | 64.28 |
Manugraph India Limited MANUGRAPH Trades in Industrial Machinery | -5.3% | 16.80 | 17.74 |
Fino Payments Bank Ltd FINOPB | -5.3% | 229.80 | 242.65 |
Sterling & Wilson So Ltd SWSOLAR | -5.29% | 260.60 | 275.15 |
Divgi Torqtransfer Syst L DIVGIITTS | -5.29% | 471.70 | 498.05 |
Wanbury Limited WANBURY Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.29% | 216.23 | 228.31 |
Shah Metacorp Limited SHAH | -5.28% | 3.59 | 3.79 |
Pondy Oxides & Chem Ltd POCL | -5.28% | 663.95 | 700.95 |
Sona Blw Precision Frgs L SONACOMS | -5.27% | 489.25 | 516.45 |
Dharmaj Crop Guard Ltd DHARMAJ | -5.27% | 196.86 | 207.82 |
Sirca Paint India Limited SIRCA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.26% | 285.75 | 301.60 |
Jindal Worldwide Limited JINDWORLD Trades in Textiles | -5.26% | 361.90 | 382.00 |
Bartronics India Limited ASMS | -5.26% | 16.20 | 17.10 |
Indegene Limited INDGN | -5.25% | 570.00 | 601.60 |
VLS Finance Limited VLSFINANCE Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.24% | 233.30 | 246.20 |
Supreme Engineering Ltd SUPREMEENG_BE | -5.24% | 2.17 | 2.29 |
Kriti Nutrients Limited KRITINUT | -5.23% | 96.55 | 101.88 |
Dhunseri Ventures Limited DVL | -5.23% | 335.30 | 353.80 |
Suumaya Industries Ltd SUULD_BZ | -5.23% | 2.90 | 3.06 |
Nuvoco Vistas Corp Ltd NUVOCO | -5.22% | 311.70 | 328.85 |
Hindware Hme Inovaton Ltd HINDWAREAP | -5.22% | 219.16 | 231.23 |
De Nora India Limited DENORA | -5.22% | 754.85 | 796.45 |
Manorama Industries Ltd MANORAMA | -5.21% | 1042.50 | 1099.85 |
Kn Agri Resources Limited KNAGRI_SM | -5.21% | 225.50 | 237.90 |
Finolex Industries Limited FINPIPE Trades in Plastic Products | -5.21% | 190.20 | 200.65 |
Envirotech Systems Ltd ENVIRO_SM | -5.21% | 99.15 | 104.60 |
Alps Industries Ltd. ALPSINDUS_BE | -5.2% | 2.55 | 2.69 |
Sandhar Technologies Ltd SANDHAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.19% | 369.35 | 389.55 |
Coastal Corporation Ltd COASTCORP | -5.19% | 216.41 | 228.26 |
Ambica Agarbat. AMBICAAGAR | -5.19% | 29.20 | 30.80 |
Landmark Cars Limited LANDMARK | -5.18% | 452.90 | 477.65 |
Jayant Agro Organics Limited JAYAGROGN Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -5.18% | 267.95 | 282.60 |
Ashapura Logistics Ltd ASHALOG_SM | -5.18% | 85.95 | 90.65 |
APL Apollo Tubes Limited APLAPOLLO Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -5.18% | 1303.05 | 1374.20 |
IIFL Holdings Limited IIFL Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.17% | 314.35 | 331.50 |
NCC Limited NCC Trades in Construction & Engineering | -5.16% | 187.60 | 197.80 |
Bodal Chemicals Limited BODALCHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.16% | 61.21 | 64.54 |
Sakuma Exports Limited SAKUMA_BE | -5.16% | 2.94 | 3.10 |
S.A.L. Steel Limited SALSTEEL Trades in Iron & Steel | -5.15% | 20.46 | 21.57 |
Paras Def And Spce Tech L PARAS | -5.15% | 912.90 | 962.45 |
Lakshmi Finance & Industrial Corporation Limited LFIC | -5.15% | 177.99 | 187.66 |
Ducon Tech DUCON Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -5.15% | 6.26 | 6.60 |
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd JPASSOCIAT_BE | -5.15% | 4.24 | 4.47 |
Suraj Estate Developers L SURAJEST | -5.14% | 331.55 | 349.50 |
National Aluminium Company Limited NATIONALUM Trades in Aluminium | -5.13% | 181.63 | 191.46 |
Intense Technologies Ltd INTENTECH | -5.13% | 102.99 | 108.56 |
Dynamic Cables Limited DYCL | -5.13% | 667.35 | 703.40 |
Zeal Global Services Ltd ZEAL_SM | -5.13% | 142.30 | 150.00 |
Tembo Global Ind Ltd TEMBO_BE | -5.13% | 679.10 | 715.80 |
Teamo Productions Hq Ltd TPHQ_BE | -5.13% | 1.48 | 1.56 |
Munjal Auto Industries Limited MUNJALAU Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -5.12% | 74.50 | 78.52 |
Allcargo Logistics Limited ALLCARGO Trades in Transportation - Logistics | -5.12% | 34.25 | 36.10 |
Lcc Infotech Ltd LCCINFOTEC_BE | -5.12% | 7.04 | 7.42 |
Texmaco Rail & Engineering Limited TEXRAIL Trades in Construction & Engineering | -5.11% | 141.01 | 148.61 |
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited RVNL | -5.11% | 359.90 | 379.30 |
Grm Overseas Limited GRMOVER | -5.11% | 229.12 | 241.47 |
Ghcl Textiles Limited GHCLTEXTIL | -5.11% | 79.78 | 84.08 |
Denta Water N Infra Sol L DENTA | -5.11% | 290.40 | 306.05 |
Artemis Med Service Ltd ARTEMISMED | -5.11% | 261.05 | 275.10 |
Morarjee Textiles Limited MORARJEE_BZ | -5.11% | 7.05 | 7.43 |
Shriram Properties Ltd SHRIRAMPPS | -5.1% | 73.09 | 77.02 |
Dhruv Consultancy Ser Ltd DHRUV_BE | -5.1% | 95.67 | 100.81 |
Rushil Decor Limited RUSHIL Trades in Forest Products | -5.09% | 25.72 | 27.10 |
360 One Wam Limited 360ONE | -5.09% | 904.60 | 953.10 |
Ankit Met & Pow Ltd ANKITMETAL_BZ | -5.09% | 2.61 | 2.75 |
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.08% | 645.20 | 679.70 |
Roto Pumps Limited ROTO | -5.08% | 213.80 | 225.25 |
Diamines & Chemicals Ltd DIAMINESQ | -5.08% | 368.25 | 387.95 |
Bharat Road Network Ltd BRNL | -5.08% | 37.95 | 39.98 |
Aksh Optifibre Ltd AKSHOPTFBR_BE | -5.08% | 8.78 | 9.25 |
Nila Spaces Limited NILASPACES_BE | -5.08% | 11.21 | 11.81 |
Newjaisa Technologies Ltd NEWJAISA_SM | -5.07% | 67.40 | 71.00 |
Good Luck Steel Tubes Limited GOODLUCK Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -5.07% | 702.70 | 740.20 |
Next Mediaworks Limited NEXTMEDIA_BE | -5.07% | 6.36 | 6.70 |
Chemplast Sanmar Limited CHEMPLASTS | -5.06% | 403.70 | 425.20 |
Atal Realtech Limited ATALREAL_BE | -5.06% | 13.32 | 14.03 |
KAYA LIMITED INR10 KAYA | -5.05% | 247.45 | 260.60 |
Expleo Solutions Limited EXPLEOSOL | -5.05% | 1020.25 | 1074.55 |
Bajaj Healthcare Limited BAJAJHCARE | -5.05% | 595.90 | 627.60 |
Vipul Limited VIPULLTD_BE | -5.05% | 15.80 | 16.64 |
Yaari Digi Int Ser Ltd YAARI_BE | -5.05% | 14.49 | 15.26 |
Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Limited TEXINFRA Trades in Industrial Machinery | -5.04% | 96.74 | 101.87 |
Hindustan Copper Limited HINDCOPPER Trades in Copper | -5.04% | 214.50 | 225.89 |
Gokul Refoils and Solvent Limited GOKUL Trades in Edible Oils | -5.04% | 48.56 | 51.14 |
D B Realty Limited DBREALTY Trades in Realty | -5.04% | 132.22 | 139.24 |
Tijaria Polypipes Ltd TIJARIA_BE | -5.04% | 9.04 | 9.52 |
MSP Steel & Power Limited MSPL Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -5.03% | 28.51 | 30.02 |
Ireda 8.80ncdtr I Sr Iiib IREDA | -5.03% | 168.16 | 177.06 |
Exxaro Tiles Limited EXXARO | -5.03% | 8.31 | 8.75 |
Almondz Global Securities Limited ALMONDZ Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.03% | 23.78 | 25.04 |
Ags Transact Tech Ltd AGSTRA_BE | -5.03% | 31.74 | 33.42 |
Indiabulls Ent Ltd IEL_BE | -5.03% | 17.18 | 18.09 |
Gayatri Projects Ltd GAYAPROJ_BZ | -5.03% | 6.79 | 7.15 |
Silly Monks Entertain Ltd SILLYMONKS | -5.02% | 19.47 | 20.50 |
Sigma Solve Limited SIGMA | -5.02% | 289.55 | 304.85 |
SHYAM CENTURY FERR INR1 SHYAMCENT | -5.02% | 9.28 | 9.77 |
Caplin Point Laboratories Limited CAPLIPOINT Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.02% | 1915.95 | 2017.15 |
BLS Internat. BLS | -5.02% | 375.30 | 395.15 |
Avonmore Cap&mgt Serv Ltd AVONMORE_BE | -5.02% | 22.70 | 23.90 |
Modern Threads India Ltd MODTHREAD_BE | -5.02% | 43.55 | 45.85 |
Mohit Industries Ltd MOHITIND_BE | -5.02% | 27.82 | 29.29 |
Navkar Urbanstructure Ltd NAVKARURB_BE | -5.02% | 19.10 | 20.11 |
Vardhman Polytex Ltd. VARDMNPOLY_BE | -5.02% | 11.93 | 12.56 |
Ahimsa Industries Ltd. AHIMSA_ST | -5.02% | 35.95 | 37.85 |
Vl E Gov And It Sol Ltd VLEGOV | -5.01% | 84.56 | 89.02 |
Oil Country Tubular Limited OILCOUNTUB Trades in Oil Equipment & Services | -5.01% | 71.44 | 75.21 |
Nahar Spinning Mills Limited NAHARSPING Trades in Textiles | -5.01% | 199.93 | 210.47 |
Mic Electronics Ltd MICEL | -5.01% | 62.97 | 66.29 |
Kriti Industries Ind Ltd KRITI | -5.01% | 116.29 | 122.42 |
Jsw Infrastructure Ltd JSWINFRA | -5.01% | 228.50 | 240.55 |
Creative Eye Limited CREATIVEYE Trades in Movies & Entertainment | -5.01% | 7.21 | 7.59 |
Zee Learn Limited ZEELEARN Trades in Education | -5.01% | 7.01 | 7.38 |
Atlantaa Limited ATLANTAA_BE | -5.01% | 35.05 | 36.90 |
Balaji Telefilms Ltd. BALAJITELE_BE | -5.01% | 63.47 | 66.82 |
Energy Deve. Co.ltd ENERGYDEV_BE | -5.01% | 19.33 | 20.35 |
Gujarat Raffia Indust Ltd GUJRAFFIA_BE | -5.01% | 44.57 | 46.92 |
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. MCLEODRUSS_BE | -5.01% | 34.51 | 36.33 |
Premier Polyfilms Ltd PREMIERPOL_BE | -5.01% | 62.63 | 65.93 |
Ravinder Heights Limited RVHL_BE | -5.01% | 52.19 | 54.94 |
Sadbhav Engineering Ltd SADBHAV_BE | -5.01% | 16.11 | 16.96 |
Shradha Infraprojects Ltd SHRADHA_BE | -5.01% | 63.34 | 66.68 |
Sumit Woods Limited SUMIT_BE | -5.01% | 105.68 | 111.25 |
Kck Industries Ltd KCK_ST | -5.01% | 49.30 | 51.90 |
Readymix Constru Machi L READYMIX_ST | -5.01% | 111.00 | 116.85 |
TIL Limited TIL Trades in Transport Related Services | -5% | 190.01 | 200.02 |
Solar Act Rs.3.50 Ppd Up SOLARAPP_E1 | -5% | 247.15 | 260.15 |
Orient Technologies Ltd ORIENTTECH | -5% | 343.10 | 361.15 |
Infinium Pharmachem Ltd INFINIUM_SM | -5% | 241.25 | 253.95 |
Indo Tech Transformers Limited INDOTECH Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -5% | 2113.70 | 2224.95 |
Homesfy Realty Limited HOMESFY_SM | -5% | 482.60 | 508.00 |
Hexa Tradex Limited HEXATRADEX Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -5% | 196.74 | 207.10 |
Exicom Tele Systems Ltd EXICOM | -5% | 174.15 | 183.32 |
E2e Networks Limited E2E Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5% | 2041.15 | 2148.55 |
C2c Advanced Systems Ltd C2C_SM | -5% | 597.80 | 629.25 |
Blue Jet Healthcare Ltd BLUEJET | -5% | 723.20 | 761.25 |
Avalon Technologies Ltd AVALON | -5% | 636.20 | 669.65 |
Ameya Precision Eng Ltd AMEYA_SM | -5% | 95.00 | 100.00 |
Abm International Ltd ABMINTLLTD | -5% | 55.86 | 58.80 |
63 Moons Technologies Ltd 63MOONS | -5% | 643.70 | 677.55 |
Yudiz Solutions Limited YUDIZ_SM | -5% | 51.25 | 53.95 |
Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd BAFNAPH_BE | -5% | 74.66 | 78.59 |
Banarasbeadsltd-rollsett BANARBEADS_BE | -5% | 116.24 | 122.36 |
Diamond Power Infra Ltd DIACABS_BE | -5% | 90.16 | 94.91 |
Digjam Ltd DIGJAMLMTD_BE | -5% | 43.12 | 45.39 |
Elgi Rubber Co. Ltd ELGIRUBCO_BE | -5% | 79.95 | 84.16 |
Flexituff Inter Limited FLEXITUFF_BE | -5% | 49.18 | 51.77 |
Hercules Hoi. Ltd. HERCULES_BE | -5% | 166.21 | 174.96 |
The Hi-tech Gears Limited HITECHGEAR_BE | -5% | 665.00 | 700.00 |
Kernex Microsys(i) Ltd KERNEX_BE | -5% | 977.25 | 1028.65 |
Kopran Ltd KOPRAN_BE | -5% | 163.91 | 172.54 |
Marine Electrical (i) Ltd MARINE_BE | -5% | 167.71 | 176.54 |
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited MHLXMIRU_BE | -5% | 228.45 | 240.48 |
N.b.i. Ind. Fin. Co. Ltd NBIFIN_BE | -5% | 2229.30 | 2346.60 |
Pansari Developers Ltd PANSARI_BE | -5% | 208.31 | 219.28 |
Prudential Sugar Corporat PRUDMOULI_BE | -5% | 50.35 | 53.00 |
Robust Hotels Limited RHL_BE | -5% | 205.12 | 215.92 |
R.p.p Infra Projects Ltd. RPPINFRA_BE | -5% | 148.69 | 156.52 |
R. S. Software (india) Li RSSOFTWARE_BE | -5% | 102.89 | 108.31 |
Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd. SIMBHALS_BE | -5% | 16.15 | 17.00 |
Simplex Infrastructures L SIMPLEXINF_BE | -5% | 266.00 | 280.00 |
Tirupati Forge Limited TIRUPATIFL_BE | -5% | 37.60 | 39.58 |
V2 Retail Limited V2RETAIL_BE | -5% | 1629.30 | 1715.05 |
Websol Energy System Ltd WEBELSOLAR_BE | -5% | 1197.10 | 1260.10 |
Enfuse Solutions Limited ENFUSE_ST | -5% | 218.50 | 230.00 |
Fidel Softech Limited FIDEL_ST | -5% | 147.25 | 155.00 |
Obsc Perfection Limited OBSCP_ST | -5% | 156.85 | 165.10 |
R M Drip & Sprink Sys Ltd RMDRIP_ST | -5% | 400.95 | 422.05 |
Shubhshree Biofuels Ene L SHUBHSHREE_ST | -5% | 313.35 | 329.85 |
Solex Energy Limited SOLEX_ST | -5% | 920.55 | 969.00 |
Tac Infosec Limited TAC_ST | -5% | 1160.50 | 1221.55 |
Trident Techlabs Limited TECHLABS_ST | -5% | 1020.75 | 1074.45 |
Viviana Power Tech Ltd VIVIANA_ST | -5% | 814.15 | 857.00 |
1184 top losers stocks found which lost 2% or more in Today's session!
361 top losers stocks found which lost 1% or more in Today's session!
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