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NSE Scanner BULLISH MARUBOZU forming stock list

NSE Scanner stocks forming BULLISH MARUBOZU

78 stocks found forming BULLISH MARUBOZU

Company Close Range
Ani Integrated Serv Ltd. 122.75 111.40 to 122.75
Mahickra Chemical Limited 105.80 101.20 to 105.80
Smvd Poly Pack Limited 14.15 13.00 to 14.15
Goenka Diamond&jewels Ltd 0.91 0.90 to 0.91
Shree Tirupati Balajee 941.00 872.00 to 941.00
Parin Furniture Limited 352.00 338.00 to 352.00
2.50%goldbonds2026sr-iii 8800.00 8460.00 to 8800.00
Sab Events & Governance 4.08 3.69 to 4.08
2.50%goldbonds2026sr-iv 8499.00 8401.11 to 8499.00
Surani Steel Tubes Ltd. 165.00 155.00 to 165.00
Goi Loan 7.72% 2055 109.00 103.65 to 109.00
Kridhan Infra Limited 4.58 4.37 to 4.58
Goi Loan 7.27% 2026 108.00 103.10 to 108.00
Shiv Aum Steels Limited 250.00 237.50 to 250.00
Goi Loan 10.18% 2026 110.25 108.55 to 110.25
2.50%goldbonds2028sr-viii 8500.00 8331.00 to 8500.00
2.50%goldbonds2028sr-ix 8559.00 8450.00 to 8559.00
Goi Loan 5.22% 2025 100.50 99.41 to 100.50
Walpar Nutritions Limited 47.25 45.50 to 47.25
Rex Pipes And Cables Ltd 67.45 64.00 to 67.45
Bombay Metrics S C Ltd 53.90 52.30 to 53.90
Nidan Labs And Health Ltd 22.75 21.05 to 22.75
Goi Loan 5.63% 2026 101.50 99.73 to 101.50
Marshall Machines Ltd 18.97 18.23 to 18.97
Empyrean Cashews Limited 251.05 245.10 to 251.05
Nipponamc - Netfsilver 94.71 93.11 to 94.85
Veekayem Fash & App Ltd 258.00 255.00 to 258.00
Mega Flex Plastics Ltd 53.00 49.35 to 53.00
Amiable Logistics (i) Ltd 85.00 84.10 to 85.00
Pritika Eng Compo Ltd 173.00 170.00 to 173.00
Moxsh Overseas Educon Ltd 32.40 32.00 to 32.40
Aristo Bio T And Lifesc L 126.50 118.05 to 126.50
Gayatri Rubb And Chem Ltd 460.00 452.00 to 460.00
Sec Re Ncgb 8.25% Strpp D 269.00 247.70 to 269.00
Aatmaj Healthcare Limited 19.25 18.30 to 19.25
Vilin Bio Med Limited 20.20 20.00 to 20.20
E Factor Experiences Ltd 194.90 190.10 to 194.90
Avsl Industries Limited 158.00 143.45 to 158.00
Edelamc - Esilver 98.76 96.71 to 99.00
Sunrest Lifescience Ltd 64.00 58.00 to 64.00
Indifra Limited 19.50 18.95 to 19.50
Sameera Agro And Infra L 70.00 68.00 to 70.00
Perfect Infraengineer Ltd 14.80 14.65 to 14.80
Fonebox Retail Limited 106.00 103.10 to 106.00
Italian Edibles Limited 39.00 38.00 to 39.00
Sona Machinery Limited 102.50 100.00 to 102.50
Sdl Gj 7.58% 2032 100.00 98.00 to 100.00
Sec Re Ncd 9.21% Sr 1 985.00 975.00 to 985.00
Sec Re Ncd 9.60% Sr 2 995.00 984.20 to 995.00
Sec Red Ncd 9.25% Sr. Vi 1020.00 991.00 to 1020.00
Sec Re Ncd 8.43% 939.90 930.10 to 939.90
Sec Re Ncd 8.25% Sr.i 1065.00 1007.90 to 1065.00
Unsec Re Ncd 0% Sr.iii 1270.00 1221.00 to 1270.00
Sec Re Ncd 8.30% Sr 3 1015.26 1002.20 to 1015.26
Sec Re Ncd 0% Sr.vii 1260.00 1241.58 to 1260.00
Sec Red Ncd 9.30% Sr. Ii 1059.50 1040.00 to 1059.50
Bond 8.37% Tax Free S3a 42400.00 28350.00 to 42400.00
Sec Re Ncd 9.70% Sr Viii 1100.00 1086.01 to 1100.00
Sec Re Ncd 8.5% Sr.iii 1023.60 1000.00 to 1023.60
Sec Re Ncd Sr 6 1099.95 1031.77 to 1099.95
Winny Immigra & Edu Ser L 293.00 278.90 to 293.00
Sbiamc - Sbisilver 96.65 94.71 to 96.86
Sdl Rj 7.74% 2049 100.50 99.00 to 100.50
Sdl Ga 7.7% 2033 100.00 98.00 to 100.00
Sec Re Ncd 9.65% Sr I 975.00 927.18 to 975.00
Sati Poly Plast Limited 161.80 158.00 to 161.95
8.67% Sec Red Bond S3a 1290.00 1270.10 to 1290.00
Sec Re Ncd 8.89% Sr.viii 939.15 909.00 to 939.15
Sec Re Ncd 9.15% Sr.viii 936.70 901.20 to 936.70
Dhariwalcorp Limited 120.00 118.00 to 120.00
Sec Re Ncd Sr Ii 986.64 861.40 to 986.64
Excellent Wires N Pack L 61.80 57.25 to 61.80
Divyadhan Recycling Ind L 59.00 57.00 to 59.00
Sec Re Ncd 9.48% Sr.v 869.32 732.32 to 869.32
Sdl Ts 7.72% 2036 100.00 98.90 to 100.00
Sec Re Ncd 10.03% Sr.viii 915.00 905.00 to 915.00
Tsi 9.35% 31 Sr I-e 103815.34 101157.00 to 103815.34
Unse Re Ncd 9.35% Sr.x 907.88 830.20 to 907.88
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