(CYIENT) Cyient BollingerBands charts technical analysis
(CYIENT) Cyient BollingerBands charts technical analysis BollingerBands analysis of Cyient | Buy/Sell Cyient
Cyient trades in NSE in IT Consulting & Software sector.
10 day averaged volume of Cyient is 2884220
Date | Closing Price | Open | High | Low | Volume |
31 Fri Jan 2025 | 1454.45 | 1373.00 | 1471.50 | 1370.30 | 2.709 Mn |
30 Thu Jan 2025 | 1362.55 | 1360.00 | 1389.00 | 1342.70 | 0.997 Mn |
29 Wed Jan 2025 | 1365.35 | 1321.00 | 1378.00 | 1308.05 | 1.192 Mn |
28 Tue Jan 2025 | 1317.25 | 1360.90 | 1382.25 | 1295.35 | 1.669 Mn |
27 Mon Jan 2025 | 1350.70 | 1320.00 | 1404.80 | 1298.15 | 8.055 Mn |
24 Fri Jan 2025 | 1344.90 | 1621.10 | 1621.10 | 1328.85 | 14.806 Mn |
23 Thu Jan 2025 | 1755.25 | 1702.00 | 1807.00 | 1694.00 | 0.738 Mn |
22 Wed Jan 2025 | 1708.70 | 1721.25 | 1742.90 | 1685.20 | 0.371 Mn |
21 Tue Jan 2025 | 1733.00 | 1743.80 | 1759.25 | 1720.00 | 0.202 Mn |
20 Mon Jan 2025 | 1738.80 | 1740.00 | 1781.35 | 1732.00 | 0.328 Mn |
Indicators analysis of Cyient (CYIENT)
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short term time period is positive, but buyers have become active on the stock recently. This cannot be a definite uptrend, specially if selected time duration is small.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short to mid term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a mid to longer term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
ADX buy sell signal for Cyient stock for short term is SELL. Signal strength is Strong and stock is losing momentum.
MACD generated a SELL signal for Cyient in short term and the sell signal is strong.
MACD line is moving upwards which means that SELL signal is weakening, and buying is picking up momentum.
Cyient Stock is trading near its recent LOWS in short term which reflects strong selling momentum. Bears are weakening, and bulls are picking up momentum!
Ichimoku cloud is of red color and prices are below the red cloud Prices appear to be moving up
CCI has generated a buy signal for Cyient in short term but BUY signal is weak.
RSI is generating a SELL signal in short term but selling is losing momentum.
MRSI is in positive zone. This is a BUY zone
Although the stock is in the BUY zone, but buying might be slowing down
Stock of Cyient is picking up selling momentum according to indicator.
Volume based indicators are showing selling momentum.
Volume Weighted Averaged Price (VWAP) for short term is 1376.59 and Cyient (CYIENT) stock is trading above this level. This is a good sign for the stock and it could move higher. VWAP is rising upwards.
People seem to be coming out and selling the Cyient (CYIENT) stock. Volume based technical analysis of Cyient (CYIENT) stock is negative.
Cyient Stock has given negative returns over a short term period. Returns for a longer term period have been negative.
Force Index is moving in a negative zone, which indicates selling momentum for short term... Selling momentum is getting weaker.
BollingerBands charts
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short term time period is positive, but buyers have become active on the stock recently. This cannot be a definite uptrend, specially if selected time duration is small.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a short to mid term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Price action analysis of Cyient ( (CYIENT) ) based on a mid to longer term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
ADX buy sell signal for Cyient stock for short term is SELL. Signal strength is Strong and stock is losing momentum.
MACD generated a SELL signal for Cyient in short term and the sell signal is strong.
MACD line is moving upwards which means that SELL signal is weakening, and buying is picking up momentum.
Cyient Stock is trading near its recent LOWS in short term which reflects strong selling momentum. Bears are weakening, and bulls are picking up momentum!
Ichimoku cloud is of red color and prices are below the red cloud Prices appear to be moving up
CCI has generated a buy signal for Cyient in short term but BUY signal is weak.
RSI is generating a SELL signal in short term but selling is losing momentum.
MRSI is in positive zone. This is a BUY zone
Although the stock is in the BUY zone, but buying might be slowing down
Stock of Cyient is picking up selling momentum according to indicator.
Volume based indicators are showing selling momentum.
Volume Weighted Averaged Price (VWAP) for short term is 1376.59 and Cyient (CYIENT) stock is trading above this level. This is a good sign for the stock and it could move higher. VWAP is rising upwards.
People seem to be coming out and selling the Cyient (CYIENT) stock. Volume based technical analysis of Cyient (CYIENT) stock is negative.
Cyient Stock has given negative returns over a short term period. Returns for a longer term period have been negative.
Force Index is moving in a negative zone, which indicates selling momentum for short term... Selling momentum is getting weaker.
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